Last seen: January 9, 2025 2:23 PM
Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Without it, trust and communication break down. When both partners respect each other’s boundar...
Yes, I’ve been in a relationship like that before, and it was incredibly draining. The disrespect wasn’t always obvious at first, but over time, it be...
Therapy has been crucial in my healing journey. It gave me the space to process the trauma I didn’t even know I was carrying. My therapist helped me b...
For me, the most important quality in a therapist is empathy. I need to feel that they genuinely care about what I’m going through and can understand ...
Emotional neglect definitely took a toll on my self-esteem growing up. I often felt like I wasn’t worthy of attention or affection, and that belief ca...
Yes, I do feel like my emotional needs are often dismissed, especially in relationships where the other person is more focused on themselves. It’s fru...
Dealing with emotional manipulation took a toll on me, both mentally and emotionally. To cope, I started journaling regularly, writing down everything...
Yes, I've experienced gaslighting before, though it took me a long time to realize it. It wasn’t just the subtle manipulation; it was how my partner w...
HELLO Celeste !
I think being vulnerable and opening up emotionally my have helped a lot in my relationships, because it gives my partner a clue to what Im expecting ...
I've been in a couple abusive relationships in my past , and a lot of times it left me feeling like my feeling weren't heard or valid.
Yes, I actually thought the person used VooDoo on me, because It took forever for me to move on.
I'ma say having trouble being alone with yourself is a for sure sign !
I'm actually just now getting into therapy and I don't think that pivital moment has came yet.